Deciding to start eating healthy, I took a classic carrot and raisin salad recipe and lightened it up, then added apples for extra flavor. I took this...
My Italian mother remembers her mother making this potato gnocchi recipe for special occasions. She still has the bowl Grandma mixed the dough in, which...
These beans are one of my favorite side dishes. I serve them at our church steak dinner. A smattering of onions can be used to pep up the mild flavor of...
Here's a delightful way to use leftover mashed potatoes! These puffs are easy to make, and my family prefers them to french fries. Children enjoy them...
These tasty potatoes are golden and crusty on the outside and tender on the inside. I've served them with many kinds of meat. When a meal needs a comforting,...
"I prepare this cheesy recipe when I'm craving 'comfort food' but trying to eat a little lighter," advises Dawn Royer of Albany, Oregon. "The hint of mustard...
This yummy rice mixture is a delightful change from our traditional corn bread dressing. To make it a meal in itself, I sometimes add finely chopped cooked...
I never tried collard greens until a friend gave me this recipe that calls for bacon and pinto beans. Now I look forward to serving this Southern staple...
I often fix this comforting dish for my grown children when they visit. They love it when I double the recipe so they can take leftovers home! This recipe...
I recommend serving these Parmesan potato wedges alongside a salad for a light lunch or serving them as a side dish with a chicken or beef entree. -Beth...
I've made many types of scalloped potatoes but I always come back to this rich, creamy and fail-proof recipe. This is a dish where the bottom gets scraped...
To avoid turning my oven on in the summer, I grill just about everything-including this creamy potato salad. My friends have dubbed this 'The Best Potato...
Garlic-Almond Green Beans is her family's favorite way to eat this popular vegetable, writes Genny Monchamp from Redding, California. "The beans stay so...
Here's a flavorful way to dress up carrots without a lot of fuss. Simply steam the good-for-you veggies, then season with butter, brown sugar, vinegar...
There's no need to slave away making mashed potatoes at the last minute, not when this creamy, comforting potato side dish is so handy to prepare well...
Follow our complete, step-by-step, photo illustrated instructions on how to make this Corn Pudding recipe using fresh corn. Canned or frozen corn can be...
When Mom didn't couldn't get sweet potatoes in Zimbabwe, she substituted this creamy casserole, adding sweetness and spice to butternut squash. It soon...
My mother always made this dish as a special treat, and now I do, too. The combination of ingredients is just right-the white sauce and cheese complement...
Chock-full of mushrooms, celery and green onions, this hearty side dish is an ideal accompaniment to cool-weather meals. Our Test Kitchen staff seasoned...
My sister-in-law, who is a dietitian, shared these buttermilk mashed potatoes with me. The garlic and buttermilk in these smooth mashed potatoes that are...
If your family likes the sweet-tart flavor found in many German dishes, they'll enjoy this recipe. The cabbage, apples and onions are cooked with vinegar,...
My family insists that this two-in-one casserole makes an appearance at all of our special meals. Every bite is doubly delicious! -Jane Birch, Edison,...
I made this potato salad recipe when I worked in a small hospital. It was served in the cafeteria and to patients that were on diabetic, AHA and regular...
This colorful casserole is the perfect side dish for Thanksgiving, with its combination of sweet potatoes, cranberries and apples. I find it convenient...
"I USED TO make Mama's beans from scratch, just like she did. But, one day when I was pressed for time, I resorted to canned beans and doctored them up...
Here's a pretty side dish that will please everyone who tastes it. Stuffed with brown or white rice, these tomatoes can be prepared ahead and baked hours...
The best part about this cheesy rice recipe is that it's great both hot or cold. It's a dish I make often since cheese and rice are staples in my pantry...
It's downright fun to make and serve this potato recipe. The fresh herbs, butter and cheeses are just what a good potato needs. -Susan Curry, West Hills,...
I'd always loved my grandmother's German potato salad. So when I married a potato farmer-and had spuds in abundance-I played with several recipes that...
I like to make this side dish when I want to add some color to my meal. The touch of maple syrup is a nice surprise and so compatible with the carrot flavor....
Fresh cilantro gives exotic Syrian-style flavor to these easy skillet potatoes. They're a great complement to Mom's tangy kabobs. -Weda Mosellie, Phillipsburg,...
We love this recipe with its bright, crisp-tender snow peas and carrots, but you could easily substitute any veggies you have on hand. -Anne Smithson,...
Out of all my corn recipes, this is my favorite. You need just a few ingredients and a slow cooker to make this delicious side dish. Because it cooks on...
My children, who are vegetarian, rave about this souffle. Plus, I can make it for breakfast, brunch or as a side dish.-Rosemary McCormack, Pagosa Springs,...
At least 10 of us women made this old-fashioned dressing to feed over 1,500 people at our church's fall festival. Everyone thought it was wonderful. It's...
Time to gather round the table, y'all! This dish has special meaning on New Year's Day, when Southerners eat greens for future wealth and black-eyed peas...
Brown rice, a whole grain, contains all the nutrients and essential parts of the entire grain seed. It adds almost three times as much heart-healthy fiber...
Creamy chunks of potato and crunchy bits of veggies, this traditional potato salad will gain rave reviews from your gang. It's perfect for your last family...
This tangy and sweet casserole is full of flavor. We've served it at many celebrations over the years and it's always been a big hit! -Gloria Mezikofsky,...
"For me, the most time-consuming part of preparing this side is picking the green beans in the garden," says Jeanne Bennett of North Richland Hills, Texas....
Blueberries are a fun surprise in this salad. I received the recipe from a co-worker's wife, and it's become one of my favorites. -Heidi Gilleland, Lees...